"One Moonlight Night" lyrics - CHARLIE POOLE
"One Moonlight Night"
One moonlight night a year ago
A blue-eyed lass and lad
With tear-dimmed eyes and footsteps slow
Whose hearts were dear and sad
'Twas through a quiet lane they strolled
The maiden drooped her head
And gave the lad a band of gold
And to him softly said:
Take back the ring you gave me
Take it back, Jack, I pray
For wearing it would deprive me
More than ever today
To make me your wife would wrong you
Grief to your heart would bring
So take it back, I beg of you, Jack
Take back the engagement ring
"I love you, Nell, and you love me"
The faithful lad then said
"Forget the past and my wife be
Don't blight our lives instead
I'll honor and forgive you, Nell
To you through life I'll cling"
Her answer was a saddened sob
"No, Jack, take back the ring"