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Re: Icy fingers as we play (Things we loved from yesterday)

Icy fingers as we play
December 23, 2018 03:35PM
Hello. I've been looking for a song I heard on the Belgian show "Professor T" in two different episodes, but seems to be non-existant on the web. Sounds as a children's tune with a melancholy note. The lyrics go like this: "Cold and frosty mornings / laughter in the snow/ icy fingers as we play / warm and ... evenings/ blue skies up above / summer suns that shone all day / January to December / how we still remember / things we loved from yesterday".
Can anybody help with this? Thank you in advance.
Re: Icy fingers as we play
February 04, 2019 06:25PM
Hi Silvia,
I'm looking for the same song, from Professor T, it's like it doesn't exist, hope someone somewhere knows it.
Re: Icy fingers as we play
February 04, 2019 06:38PM
OK, apparently it is a song called "Things we loved from yesterday" by an artist called Ian Rae and only available on Spotify, Google Music, Amazon Music and Shazam.
Re: Icy fingers as we play
August 22, 2019 08:45PM
Thank you so much, Brigitte!
Who is the singer on this tune "Things we loved from yesterday"? Sounds like it might be Julie Andrews but no information is given.
Re: Icy fingers as we play
December 26, 2019 07:00PM
I hope this URL is of some value:

Re: Icy fingers as we play
December 11, 2020 07:08AM
Re: Icy fingers as we play
June 18, 2023 03:28PM
This is such a great song. And if you listen to the lyrics, it brings a tear to your eye.
And the singer really should be recognized


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