"Half Light I" lyrics - ARCADE FIRE
"Half Light I"
You told us that
We were too young
Now that night's closing in
And in the half light
We run
Lock us up safe
And hide the key
But the night tears us loose
And in the half light
We're free
Strange how the half light
Can make a place new
You can't recognize me
And I can't recognize you
We run through the streets
That we know so well
And the houses hide so much
But in the half light
None of us can tell
They hide the ocean in a shell
The ocean in a shell
Our heads are just houses
Without enough windows
They say you hear human voices
But they're only echoes
They're only echoes
They're only echoes
Only echoes
We are not asleep
We are in the streets
We are not asleep
We are in the streets
We are not asleep
We are in the streets
The Suburbs (2010)
- The Suburbs
- Ready To Start
- Modern Man
- Rococo
- Empty Room
- City With No Children
- Half Light I
- Half Light II (No Celebration)
- Suburban War
- Month Of May
- Wasted Hours
- Deep Blue
- We Used To Wait
- Sprawl I (Flatland)
- Sprawl II (Mountains Beyond Mountains)
- The Suburbs (Continued)
- Wasted Hours
- Culture War
- Speaking In Tongues