"Quail And Dumplings" lyrics - BONNIE PRINCE BILLY

"Quail And Dumplings"

Holes in our ceiling, holes in our roof
Hope that we'd got it made has gone in a poof
When it gonna be turn in the tide
When we gonna see we got god on our side?

Quail and dumplings, now to the end
God and her minions as our bosom friends
We got empty tummies but it won't always be
One day it's gonna be quail and dumplings for we

Too big our slippers, too small our bed
Too bent our bosom and too broke our head
We must hit the bottom in order to rise
Find peace in a hovel to find home in the skies

Quail and dumplings, now to the end
God and her minions as our bosom friends
We got empty tummies but it won't always be
One day it's gonna be quail and dumplings for we

What are we eating? And why ain't it grand?
Ain't I a woman? Ain't you a man?
Why wait for someday? Why make a plan?
Fuck birds in the bushes! Let's take 'em in hand!

Weather ain't judgment and money ain't love
The crimes of a criminal ain't doubt from above
I'll hold your hand and we'll say it's enough
Satisfied minds, clean hearts and clean tongues

Quail and dumplings, now to the end
God and her minions as our bosom friends
We got empty tummies but it won't always be
One day it's gonna be quail and dumplings for we