"Still In Hollywood" lyrics - CONCRETE BLONDE

"Still In Hollywood"

I was walking down the street early this morning
Past the graveyard, voices calling to me
I was walking down the street, early this morning
And the silver drops of rain hung from the trees
And I swear I heard the voices singing to me...
Singing to the rhythm of the beat of my feet
And I swear I heard the voices singing to me -
Keep on, keep on, keep on

I'm still in Hollywood!
Oh WOW! Thought I'd be out of here by now
Still in Hollywood!
My, my I'm running on a wheel and I don't know why
I don't know why

And on the bus today, I met the queen of L.A. -
At least she said she was and who am I to say?
She was sixty-five and full of life
She had purple-painted cheeks
And glitter on her eyes
And the troll on the corner, I flipped him a quarter
And he looked at me and smiled
Well he wasn't abused, he wasn't confused
He had nothing to gain and less to lose in Hollywood

Oh WOW! I thought I'd be out of here by now
Still in Hollywood!
My, my I'm running on a wheel and I don't know why

And so it's three a.m., I'm out walking again
I'm just a spot on the sidewalk in a city of sin
He doesn't give a fuck, he's living under a truck
You know it coulda been me, I guess it's just my luck
But I swear I hear the sidewalk talking to me -
Singing to the rhythm of the beat of my feet
And I swear I hear the sidewalk singing to me -
Keep on, keep on, keep on

Still in Hollywood...