"God Be Praised" lyrics - ELEVATION WORSHIP
"God Be Praised"
You left Your throne for our salvation
Jesus Christ, the hope of our nation
Battered by the weight of our nature
For our crimes You came to save
God of the world, You walked among us
Covered in flesh, in all of our weakness
You were despised, embarrassed, and lonely
Through Your shame we came alive
God be praised
Forever we will shout Your Name
Lord over all
You left heaven for earth
Your glory for us
Risen King be lifted high
Out of the dark, and into Your likeness
Caught in hope, a love so relentless
Called by name, Your sons and Your daughters
Bought with a price, we are alive
Because I'm alive, I'll give You my life
Because I am free, I'll bow at Your feet
Because I am loved, I'm able to love
Because I am Yours, my worth is secure