"Mercy Snack: The Laundromat" lyrics - PAVEMENT
"Mercy Snack: The Laundromat"
I'm jonesin' for a mercy snack
I'm regular, I'm treble-kicked
I been down to the Laundromat
The lines are long
My lines are strong
I been down to the south of Maine
I worked a week, I snuck a peek
I been down to the Bondage Street
Guitar is numb, my eyes are dumb
I saw the terror in your tongue
The cat's domain is no longer fun
I waded and I waited,
And I waited, and I waited
And then I went back home
To my apartment views and all the screws
With this inside my guts and gore
Was pouring out, I did adore my
Westing (By Musket And Sextant) (1993)
- You're Killing Me
- Box Elder
- Maybe Maybe
- She Believes
- Price Yeah!
- Forklift
- Spizzle Trunk
- Recorder Grot
- Internal K-Dart
- Perfect Depth
- Recorder Grot (Rally)
- Heckler Spray
- From Now On
- Angel Carver Blues / Mellow Jazz Docent
- Drive-By Fader
- Debris Slide
- Home
- Krell Vid-User
- Summer Babe (Winter Version)
- Mercy Snack: The Laundromat
- Baptist Blacktick
- My First Mine
- My Radio