"Pill Gone Girl" lyrics - ROBERT POLLARD
"Pill Gone Girl"
Look upon me my Pill Gone Girl
Kickin' like fleas on death row skin
Baby, don't waste no neon sky
Take it all in your eyeball now
What? No, hell no
You think I'm crazy?
Two ways about it
Don't need no warrior
So you're dropping home to write
And feel good with love in your eyes
And tell a mother find
A brother to write me a song about a
Sister alone and beneath your rose
Dirty blond like never before
The night is green and she bleeds
Says, "Don't let me leave"
We say the wrong things
We give it all we have
But we give it wrong
No child
Can I keep her away
I'll hold my light
I'm only hoping
No child
It flabbergasts the soul
Brother, I fall in my hole
And I did it alone
I did it alone
Yeah, baby alone
Leave everything alone