"Poison Pen Letters" lyrics - THE AMITY AFFLICTION
"Poison Pen Letters"
Dying alone would be a privilege
If all my friends were like you
Dying would be a privilege
Rusted rail spikes and shards of glass give me rest
Poison the earth in anticipation
So tear the pieces from the bone like you've torn us apart
We've built bridges just for burning
So light the fires in my eyes
So I can watch my own demise
We've built bridges just for burning
Light the fires in my eyes, watch my own demise
So I can rip my eyes from their sockets, so I can rip my eyes
So I can rip my eyes, so no flowers will grow
And so you carve your, your name
Into my, into my heart with rusted rail spikes
So light the fires in my eyes
So I can let them watch my own demise
So I can leave this all behind
And be left with my solitude intact