"Prey For Death" lyrics - WARBRINGER

"Prey For Death"

Heat beats down over barren wastes
Desolate realms of ash
Vultures circling overhead
They feed on your dying past
Victims of our need to consume
Strip the world of life
Can't sustain your decadent ways
How can we survive?

End of humankind
And you know there's nothing left
Prey for death


Parched with thirst but you cannot drink
The oceans melt away
Breed so you can eat the young
Keeps hunger at bay
Twisting mass of starving flesh
Hands held to the sky
Can't sustain these decadent ways
Knowing it's your time

Left alone to die
Under the sun there's nothing left
Prey for death

Rotting inside
Waiting to die
No one is spared from the march of time
End of mankind
End of all life
Nothing is left so you pray for death

