"After The Bombs" lyrics - THE DECEMBERISTS
"After The Bombs"
And after the bombs subside
And this long, low campaign
Calls it good for the night
Will we meet in the streets
Will we meet in the bar's cold light?
When we grip at our hands
Will we hold just a little tight?
After the bombs
After the bombs
And after the rockets calm
And the glimmer of fire
Portends an early dawn
Will we pinch at our skin
While we wonder how we escaped harm?
We forget all our trials
All there, in our baby's arms?
After the rockets
After the rockets
Then we'll go dancing
Won't we go dancing?
Yes we'll go dancing
'Till it all
Starts over again
Then we'll go dancing
Won't we go dancing?
Yes we'll go dancing
Won't we go dancing?
'Till it all
Starts over again
The Crane Wife (2006)
- The Crane Wife 3
- The Island: Come And See / The Landlord's Daughter / You'll Not Feel The Drowning
- Yankee Bayonet (I Will Be Home Then)
- O Valencia!
- The Perfect Crime #2
- When The War Came
- Shankill Butchers
- Summersong
- The Crane Wife 1 & 2
- Sons & Daughters
- After The Bombs
- Culling Of The Fold
- Hurdles Even Here
- The Perfect Crime #1
- The Day I Knew You'd Not Come Back